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275 lines
Sep 19th, 1992
The Okami Shell is a Unix-like CLI for the Atari ST. It should run on
any ST. 1 MB and harddisk are recommended, modem and mouse are optional.
It will run on all screen resolutions, although some commands require
lines to be at least 80 characters wide. MiNT is supported.
The Okami Shell resembles the Unix Bourne Shell (/bin/sh) and in
particular the AIX Shell found on the IBM RT 6150 computer system.
Although not completely compatible to the original, it gives the user
much of the comfort of the Unix interface.
The Okami Shell has some 100 built-in (internal) commands. They are all
listed in the file `help' which can be viewed with the command "help".
Pressing the HELP key after entering a command will display the
appropriate chapter from the file named by the shell variable HELPFILE.
(No english version yet, sorry)
The Okami Shell is public domain. Everybody may possess, use, and
distribute it without profit. There are no shareware fees, although
donations are greately appreciated.
Hints and suggestions are always welcome. So are all errors you found in
the program and the documentation (including language errors :)). Send
them to
Wolfram Roesler
Augustastr. 44-46
W-5100 Aachen
or via EMail:
or via Mausnet gateway to: Wolfram_Roesler@ac2.maus.de
The shell doesn't require any installation except copying the okami
folder onto the hard disk or a diskette.
After starting, the shell executes the file `profile' in the current
directory as a shell script. So, you should tailor this file to suit
your needs.
The shell can be started from the desktop by double-clicking on sh.ttp .
Any commands entered on the command line will be executed by the shell.
They may be introduced by `-c' which is ignored. Having executed these
commands, the shell will exit.
When a single `-' is passed as a parameter, the shell will execute the
file `profile' in the current directory. If the environment variable
OKSH_PROFILE is set to the name of a file, then that file will be
executed as a profile.
It is recommended to start the shell with a `-' parameter using the
supplied msh.prg since there will be trouble running GEM programs from
the shell if it has been started as a ttp from desktop.
The shell installs itself in the _shell_p vector from where it can be
called by successive programs using the C library's system() function.
The shell can be terminated by entering `exit' or pressing Ctrl-D.
All executable programs can be started by the shell. However, some
shell variables have to be set:
XEXT must contain the extenders of all files that are to
be considered binaries. The default is
GEXT must contain the extenders of all files that are to
be started as GEM programs. The default is ".prg".
PATH must contain all directories (including drive id) that
are to be searched for executable files.
So, if XEXT is ".prg,.ttp" and PATH is "c:/bin,$HOME/bin", after typing
"cmd", the shell will seek the files c:/bin/cmd.prg, c:/bin/cmd.ttp,
$HOME/bin/cmd.prg and $HOME/bin/cmd.ttp and execute the first file thus
Arguments will be passed to started programs in the ordinary fashion
(basepage via Pexec) and using the xArg protocol. If xArg passing is
not desired, it can be switched off by typing "set -a".
Any file can be run as a (binary) program with the shell command `exec'.
So, typing `exec file.xyz' will run file.xyz regardless wether .xyz is
in $XEXT or not. If .xyz is in $XEXT, file.xyz can be run by simply
typing `file'.
When using MiNT, background processes may be started with `&', e.g.
getty u:/dev/tty &
will start the "getty" program in the background.
A shell script is an ascii file containing shell commands. Lines
beginning with a # are interpreted as comments.
Shell scripts can be started just like binary programs. However, the
extenders of all files to be considered scripts must be stored in the
shell variable SEXT. The default is ".sh" which should do in most cases.
Any file can be run as a shell script by using the `.' command. I.e.,
. shscript.txt
will run the file shscript.txt as a shell script. Note: you must supply
the full filename and extender here, PATH and SEXT are not evaluated.
A shell function simply is a shell script held in memory. Any file can
be loaded to make a shell function by typing:
this will load the named file and store it so that it can be called by
typing `cmd'. If cmd is ommited (i.e. by typing `(filename)'), the base
name of filename (without extender) will be used. Example:
will load the supplied file `showpic.sh' into memory, making a shell
function named "showpic".
Shell functions can be created by shell scripts or by typing from the
keyboard in the following manner:
.................... any commands
or `unset name'.
The shell command `alias' can be used to create brief shell funktions.
So, `alias ll ls -l' will create a shell function named `ll' which
executes `ls -l' when called. When using `alias' to rename a built-in
command, use it prefixed with a `!', e.g.
alias ls ls -C
will recurse forever, whereas
alias ls !ls -C
is correct.
A list of all shell functions can be created with the internal command
VAR=this is the value of VAR
echo The value of VAR is $VAR.
cat $HOME/profile
...protecting against value changes and deletion:
readonly VAR
...exporting into environment for successive programs:
export VAR
VAR="" (removes value)
VAR= (removes variable)
unset VAR (removes variable)
Type `ver -l' to find out the maximum number of shell variables.
Predefined shell variables:
PS1 The primary shell prompt.
PS2 The secondary shell prompt, used if additional input is
required (e.g. when entering shell funktions).
OKAMISHELL The shell's version number.
TERM Initially set to "Atari ST" and not yet used any further.
CWD The current directory, set by the cd command.
HOME The current directory at the time the shell was started.
ETC The name of a directory for additional files. Initially
set to $HOME.
SHELL Initially set to $HOME/sh.ttp . Should be changed if the
name of the shell program file is changed.
PAGELEN The number of lines on the screen to be used by the more
command. Initially set to 23.
PIPDIR The name of a writable drive to be used for pipelining
etc. Initially set to the same as HOME. Should be set
in profile to be on a ramdisk to speed things up.
NULL The name of a file or device to which output is to be sent
which has been redirected to the NULL: device. Initially
set to PRN: but can be set to a ramdisk file.
NULL is set to u:/dev/null when MiNT is active so it
shouldn't be reset then.
PATHSEP The seperator characters to be used in PATH, XEXT etc.
Initially set to ",;", i.e. list entries may be seperated
by commas and semicolons. You may include a colon in
PATHSEP if you work on the MiNT unified file system (drive U:)
only, and seperate list entries with colons (in Unix fashion).
explained above.
CDPATH A list of directories to be searched by the cd command.
MANPATH A list of directories to be searched by the man command.
MANEXT A list of file extenders to be recognized as online-help
text files for external commands, used by the man command.
HELPFILE The name of the online help file for internal commands.
Should be set to $HOME/doc/english.doc in profile since
the default is $HOME/doc/commands.doc (the german instructions
CLIPDIR Contains the directory and file of the AES scrap directory.
Should only be set by the `clipb' command.